In the Loop

In the Loop
Movie: In the Loop (2009)
Studio : BBC Films
Info : Click Here
Runtime : 106 min
Website :
Trailer :
Politics has two faces: on the one hand, there are the smiling buffoons dedicated to convincing the rest of us that they know what they are talking about and on the other, there are the conniving and plotting backroom sleazebags who tell the buffoons what to do. Such is the premise of the blisteringly funny and abrasive British comedy, In the Loop.
Ostensibly a fictional tale about the build-up to an obviously unjustified war (read Iraq), In the Loop refuses to trade in the gentle barbs that blight so many recent political satires, preferring instead to strap its main protagonists down and go to work on them with a blowtorch of righteous indignation. (That blowtorch, by the way, is delivered via some of the most obscene and inventive dialogue to play out on the big screen since Tarantino first hit the scene.)
The action starts off in London just as the drum beat of war is gathering pace. Hopping back and forth across the Atlantic more often than Jason Bourne armed with his frequent flyer miles, In the Loop follows the main characters through committee meetings and conference calls with a handheld camera style that gives a constant sense of urgency and chaos to the rapidly unfolding proceedings.
The multi-layered script is made all the more impressive when you consider the huge variety of characters in the movie. Some of the more memorable characters include a cool and collected – but ultimately cowardly – Colin Powell-like US General (played by the mighty James Gandolfini), and an unforgettably x-rated-ranting British prime ministerial press chief. All are equally convincing in both their comical value as well as in their chilling indifference to the implications of their actions.
You don’t need to know anything about politics to enjoy this movie. You don’t even have to worry about it being left or right wing propaganda. All you have to do is strap yourself in for 106 minutes of sheer, unadulterated comedy excellence as you laugh your ass off at the state of how we organize our political world. In the Loop makes clear that it is not so much a question of lies versus truth, but rather it is a question of heavily armed lunatics running the asylum. In this regard, In the Loop is a worthy and equally scathing successor to Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove.
-Paul Meade