Hot Tub Time Machine

Movie: Hot Tub Time Machine (2010)
Studio : Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)
Info : Click Here
Runtime : 100 min
Website : hottubtimemachinemovie.com/
Trailer :http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xbmlpy
Adam (John Cusack), Lou (Rob Corddry), and Nick (Craig Robinson) are lifelong friends who are unhappy with their lives, who along with Adam’s nephew Jacob (Clark Duke), find themselves trapped in 1986, via the hot tub time machine, as their younger selves, reliving their past and missed opportunities, with a possibility (or impossibility?) of changing their present/future.
Much of the film’s strength is the fact that it takes place in the 80’s–the funky hair, the music, the slang, and the nostalgic factor. Loosely based on Back to the Future’s time traveling plotline, it also pokes fun at Quantum Leap, and various other 80’s films. Added to that is male-bonding comedy about lovable losers reliving their pinnacle moments of their past, and to the film’s credit, those moments provide poignancy.
This is a sci-fi B-movie-style broad comedy. This film is directed by Steve Pink who wrote the screenplay for Grosse Pointe Blank and High Fidelity. I wished he had also written this film because this film could’ve used some of his sharp wit. While the film is mostly funny overall, occasional jokes do fall flat and some parts could’ve used one more draft of rewrite. Better or for worse, much of the humor (although not surprisingly) involve toilet and sexual humor, with some gratuitous drug use and nudity.
This isn’t sophisticated stuff, but this film isn’t trying to be. It’s called Hot Tub Time Machine, after all. The film works because the characters are likeable and the time travel concept is fun. John Cusack plays his usual, likeable everyman role. Lou (Rob Corddry) provides much of the extreme, wild humor. There are fun geeky references, familiar faces, and nostalgic elements for those of us who grew up in that era–the younger generation may have a hard time fully appreciating some of that. Nevertheless, the filmmakers know it’s silly stuff and they milk and revel in the concept to its fullest extent, which is all one can ask for.
-“D-Art” Kang
Comedy, In Theaters, Reviews by Genre
Comedy, John Cusack