Water for Elephants

Water For Elephants
Movie: Water for Elephants (2011)
Studio : 3 Arts Entertainment
Info : Click Here
Runtime : 122 min
Website : waterforelephants.com/
Rating : PG-13
Trailer :
Set during the Great Depression when circus was the top entertainment for people falling on hard times, a young veterinary school student, Jacob (Robert Pattinson), winds up joining a traveling circus not by choice and is put in charge of the animals’ health by their trainer, the mysterious August (Christoph Waltz). He also meets August’s beautiful wife Marlena (Reese Witherspoon) who is the show’s top act, a talented equestrian. But Jacob and Marlena’s common interest in a very ornery elephant that will not respond to any sort of training named Rosie attracts the two together until they fall in love, but must decide whether their love is worth fighting for, especially since her husband is a very dangerous man. Read more…