Midnight in Paris

Midnight in Paris
Movie: Midnight in Paris (2011)
Studio : Gravier Productions
Info : Click Here
Runtime : 100 min
Website : facebook.com/midnightinparis
Rating : PG-13
Trailer :
When a family visits Paris on business, they take along a young couple (Owen Wilson, Rachel McAdams) who are just about to be married. But what they discover is that their idea of the grass being greener on the other side of the world is about to be shattered and it will have a profound effect on their relationship.
Gil Pender, a Hollywood writer, is fascinated with the city of Paris, all the culture, and where most of the great writers once worked. He loves the idea that writers were inspired in various restaurants across the French city, that they lived such a romantic life. Being that this is his first novel, he hopes the city too will inspire him to greatness. But in his quest for the perfection of a city, he finds that perhaps it’s not all that unique and special as he fantasizes it is. And that thought brings about a change in what’s inside of him. Read more…