Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark

Dont Be Afraid of Dark
Movie: Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark (2011)
Studio : Miramax
Info : Click Here
Runtime : 99 min
Website :
Rating : R
Sally (Bailee Madison) is a young girl, who was sent to her father Alex (Guy Pearce) when she didn’t want her anymore. But Alex has a new girlfriend Kim (Katie Holmes) that isn’t fond of the idea of suddenly being saddled with a child. But Kim has little choice and the family settles back down in a gothic mansion that Alex is remodeling. But Blackwood Manor has a horrific past and when Sally goes exploring, she finds that they are not alone. That there are voices coming up through the vent, voices that try to convince her that they are friends and they need to be let out of their prison. The moppet tries to tell her father, but he’s too busy in his work to pay any attention and Kim doesn’t believe her. And so she finds comfort from the isolation in these odd whispers that come from below, so much comfort that she lets them out, bringing horrible results to the family. Read more…