Knowing – Action Thriller Movie

Knowing - Nicolas Cage
Movie: Knowing(2009)
Studio: Escape Artists
Info: Click Here
Runtime: 121min
Review :
The power of original imagination is very exciting and often it opens us up to a fresh, new perspective. Knowing is one such movie that will make you think from beginning to end. Taut and highly imaginative screenplay from Ryan Pearson, as well as innovative lens work from director Alex Proyas, provides a bizarre feeling for the movie. It does not use daring visual effects, but nonetheless, instills fear in the audience.
The story is centered on a revered man, John Koestler, (Nicholas Cage) who happens to be the chairperson of a Historical Society. One day he is requested to examine something that has been dug out from the backyard of an elementary school. Incidentally, his son Caleb is a student there. To his amazement, he finds that these are a set of predictions made by Tykes 1958. He feels that it was not the correct moment for the time capsule to have come to attention; however, an underground water break was to blame for the accidental discovery.
The time capsule suggests the calamity tolls and dates of each major disaster of last 50 years. To his surprise, he finds three disasters hinting at a future date and among them, one happens to be pan-global disaster involving him and his son.
John tries to suggest the impact of the unforeseen disasters to his colleagues and townsmen but is ignored. Not one to sit dejected in the face of adversity, John takes the help of a couple of people (daughter and granddaughter of author of Prophecies) and accepts the challenge.
The movie beautifully touches and titillates us intellectually.
Nicholas Cage, as always, is a sheer delight to watch.
-Edited by Rob G. & David S.