Life In A Day

Life In A Day
Movie: Life In A Day (2011)
Studio : National Geographic
Info : Click Here
Runtime : 90 min
Website : Facebook
Rating : PG-13
Trailer :
Imagine what life is like in one day. That is what this film does through the submissions of people from around the world, all on June 24th, 2010. Produced by Ridley Scott and directed by Kevin McDonald, this project, in cooperation with YouTube and National Geographic sets out to document 24 hours on our shining blue planet. 80,000 submissions were sent in from all areas of the globe. They even gave cameras to people who didn’t even have such technologies so that they could be included in this tribute. And in the end, they looked at 4,500 hours of video and selected 350 portions of those for just over 90 minutes of on screen film. It was quite a feat just narrowing it down. Read more…