X-Men Origins – Wolverine – Action Sci-Fi Thriller

X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Hugh Jackman
Movie: X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)
Studio : Twentieth Century-Fox
Info : Click Here
Runtime : 107min
Website : x-menorigins.com
Trailer :
X-Men Origins: Wolverine is by far an amazing movie. The trailer of this movie promised an action endured film, and it did just that. This is possibly one of the best prequels I’ve since seen Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. The movie starts from the beginning of Logan’s (Hugh Jackman) life as a child when he discovered his mutant powers; the movie ends when he loses all of his past memories.
I cannot believe how amazing Hugh Jackman maintained his character throughout this movie! Hugh Jackman was in literally almost every scene in the movie! The movie hadn’t gone 5 minutes without showing Hugh Jackman’s sexiest man alive of 2008 body in the next scene! And with all this happening, Hugh just made it a movie worth watching.
A lot of twists and ties had turned this movie into an epic classic film. This entire film explains Wolverine’s continuous flashbacks in the first X-Men films. It also explains Wolverine’s resistance to connect with anyone. On top of that it explains how Wolverine got his name and his unbreakable metal claws! So much explanation with so little time.
That was the downside of this movie, “little time”. There was so much information and explanation that the producers had to do that was all jammed into a two hour film. I know two hours seems like it would be an extreme amount but even after the film was over there was the big essence of a “rushed film”. There was a lot of story told, yes, and there were many action scenes, yes, but it seemed that the movie jumped from scene to scene very quickly.
I would definitely see the movie in theaters as well as purchase this movie. It is an all time classic that lives beyond its standards as a prequel.
– Trent M.