
Archive for January 10th, 2010


January 10th, 2010


Rating: ★★★½☆

Movie: Zombieland (2009)

Studio : Pariah Films

Info : Click Here

Runtime : 80 min

Website : Zombieland

Trailer :


It probably doesn’t help that I came into the theater already expecting it to be good because I’m a big Woody Harrelson fan, but to be frank I enjoyed Zombieland. To a point, at least.

Reese and Wernick’s zombiesploitation film features a classic scenario popularized from decades of undead films, comics, and internet memes: a virus gone bad, flesh-eating humanity, and a list of rules about what to do if you’re one of the living few. The result is a grindhousey romp through the U.S., and it is mostly successful, but there are two major faults that I must point out.

Jesse Eisenberg, who after this year’s Adventureland seems like another candidate for an Apatow film, isn’t strong enough to hold up this film as its leading role. While his pathetic demeanor provides premature laughs, he cannot seem to keep it up through the film beyond a funny run. Luckily, having Woody Harrelson seems to keep the film going along, as his buddy role as a zombie serial killer and Twinkie connoisseur is hilarious, right down to his facial expressions that not only tell you how pissed off he is, but how much he loves those yellow pastries.

The other fault lies in a midsection of the film involving Bill Murray’s mansion. I’m a big Murray fan, but at the same time I felt like the theme of surviving the apocalypse suddenly stopped at that point. In fact, every scene at that point has almost nothing to do with the apocalypse and more to do with teens doing whatever they want, at least until the climax. There’s so much potential you can cook up with a zombie-filled Hollywood, but it never gets considered and is instead replaced with Murray fandom and non-zombie things, and for such a short film it hurts the pace.

But that aside, it’s still relative fun to watch. I’m probably being partial because of Woody, but it’s definitely worth a group watch on DVD just because you can skip over that mansion scene.

-Donald Lee-

Action, Comedy, Horror, In Theaters

Where the Wild Things Are

January 10th, 2010
Where the Wild Things Are

Where the Wild Things Are

Rating: ★★★★½

Movie: Where the Wild Things Are (2009)

Studio : Village Roadshow Pictures

Info : Click Here

Runtime : 101 min

Website : Where the Wild Things Are

Trailer :


Returning to childhood is never as good as we may remember it. Spike Jonze brings us back to those days in his adaptation of a popular children’s book that probably has lost most of its original meaning in the process. I say “probably” because it has been so long since I have read it that I only remember the core pieces of the plot, which I’m sure Spike Jonze assumes of his audience as this movie is not really as much a family film as much as a painful return to nostalgic times perhaps best left in nostalgia.

If you plan on bringing a child with you to this film, I emphasize that this movie is sometimes wince-inducing, and even downright graphic. The monsters in the original story have become personal aspects of the boy, bringing with them the sing-song logic of children seen in tales like Alice in Wonderland rather than, say, the modern children’s films of the 90’s featuring a wisecracking child capable of outwitting and conquering adults in the real world.

In the end, this film feels like the end result of Calvin and Hobbes mixed with Lord of the Flies. Granted, while the film paints a bleak picture of a child’s fantasy gone wrong, it also makes it that much more powerful seeing the tenderness and pure love that can be found between the unintentional violence of this fantasy world and the real one.

I suppose if there is anything I could gripe about, it’s how incomplete the ending feels with loose strings and unresolved issues. But, in a way, it’s that incomplete nature that just reminds me of how much reality is like that, and I guess I have to credit Jonze in the end for it rather than criticize him.

-Donald Lee-

Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, In Theaters

Black Dynamite

January 10th, 2010
Black Dynamite

Black Dynamite

Rating: ★★★½☆

Movie: Black Dynamite (2009)

Studio : Destination Films

Info : Click Here

Runtime : 90 min

Website : Black Dynamite

Trailer :


Blacksploitation is back, can you dig it? Michael Jai White and the entire blacksploitation genre jumps into action in this movie that parodies everything we loved and loved to hate about these cheaply made movies. The film is littered with visible defects that people have made careers picking at, from people looking at the camera, to awkward silences, misread lines, visible boom mics, and bad editing. Combine this with every cliché you associate with blacksploitation: from Black Panther movements, to martial arts bad guys, to a singing funkadelic narrator, to murdered drug-using brothers, to the white man bringing the black man down and you have everything Black Dynamite is about. It wouldn’t even be fair to say that Black Dynamite doesn’t jump the shark unless you say it does it wielding Colt 45s John Woo style to Wagner’s Flight of the Valkyries as a synchronized team of great whites swim in concentric circles by a steam catapult-powered ramp. It goes above and beyond over-the-top with a vividly cheap budget and I can’t help but love the movie for it.

Although people will likely poke at the genre of the film and the inherent racism and sexism involved with it, I honestly was reminded of the days I watched Kentucky Fried Movie’s A Fist Full of Yen, where a parodied version of Bruce Lee movies and all its conventions accurately portrayed the Brucesploitation (yes, people actually use that term) back in the day. Even better, both movies not only understand their genre, but also were smart enough to never abuse this fact unless it was to throw another parody into it.

So if you have a chance, sit your butt down and remember: doughnuts don’t wear alligator shoes.

-Donald Lee-

Action, Comedy, In Theaters

It’s Complicated

January 10th, 2010


Rating: ★★★½☆

Movie: It’s Complicated (2009)

Studio : Universal Picture

Info : Click Here

Runtime : 120 min

Website : It`s Complicated

Trailer :


The movie is fun with a laid-back plot. It has some great moments and scenes and it is very well casted.

The story is about a woman named Jane, beautifully played by Meryll Streep . She is a mother of three young kids and runs a bakery for a living. She has been divorced for a long time but still has a strong friendship with her ex husband Jake, played by Alec Baldwin who is now married to a much younger woman. When Jane and Jake get together for their son’s convocation things start to get spicy and hot between them. After the ceremony they decide to meet up for a meal and this is when things take an about turn. They both start falling for each other once again.

Later in the movie Jane starts to become attracted to an architect Adam, played by Steve Martin. The two meet when Adam is given the task to renovate Jane’s kitchen. Adam who also is recently divorced starts showing his admiration for Jane but eventually finds himself lost in an old affair between Jane and Jake. It is a funny and innocent love story where Jane reconnects with her ex-husband and secretly meets up with him behind their children’s and partner’s back.

The movie is a light romantic comedy and as it starts proceeding it gets more exciting and complicated. John Krasinki has done a marvelous job and he has outperformed everyone. The best part of the movie was the scenes between Baldwin and Martin.

Streep looks amazing and does a wonderful job in the movie playing the role of a woman above the age of 40 who gets caught in the maze of love.

Although the movie is a little slow in the beginning you become absorbed in the story. It is a highly edged romantic comedy about love, divorce and relationships. If you are eager to watch something like that then you would really enjoy the movie. The movie is all about Jane and how her previous life takes over her present life. It can be a good way to feel love in the air once again.

-Donald Lee-

Comedy, In Theaters, Romance