Bedtime Stories – Family Comedy Movie

Bedtime Stories - Adam Sandler
Movie: Bedtime Stories (2008)
Studio : Walt Disney
Info : Click Here
Runtime : 95min
Website :
Trailer :
I must say this movie really came at a surprise to me! I did not think that Adam Sandler could actual endure an entire film without making an adult joke or saying a foul word. But in the end I was actually “surprised”…
All the actors not only did a great job, but they connected well. Although the movie did seem too focused on the story of Skeeter Bronson, I would say it pinpointed the success of the film.
If you see the movie then think back through the scenes and lines the character’s say you could see that a few re-writes could have turned this film into a full on “Sandman” movie; but it’s the thought that counts.
If you plan on seeing this movie be prepared to laugh at Russell Brand’s lines quite a few times. Adam Sandler does get some good one-liners in that make you laugh in the oddest way as if were 5 years old again.
Overall, definitely an acceptable movie to see, but I’m not going to be dipping my hands in for seconds unless I’m offered a free viewing.
– Trent M.