I love You Man – Comedy Romance Movie

I Love you, Man - Paul Rudd, Jason Segel
Movie: I Love You, Man(2009)
Studio: Dreamworks, Paramount Pictures
Info: Click Here
Runtime: 105min
Website: iloveyouman.com
Review :
John Hamburg’s directorial venture I Love You, Man brings something refreshingly beautiful to our DVD library. With taut screenplay from Larry Levin and Hamburg himself, the movie really exhilarates in patches.
The story revolves around Peter Klaven, a man who his happily wedded to real estate success and looking to get married to the girl of his dreams. Peter is dejected on coming to terms with the fact that he has nobody in his life who could be his Best Man on his wedding day.
He looks to redeem the situation by venturing into a series of man-dates. His sole objective is to find the best man for the day he has to walk down the aisle. In his pursuit, Peter comes across a man of aura, Sydney Fife. Sydney is opinionated and repels with his wisdom at times but soon Peter strikes a strong chord with him. The story further explores the various nuances of friendship and creates a situation for Peter where his friendship causes headaches for Zoey (Peter’s would-be) and Peter finds himself in the uncomfortable position of choosing between the two.
The movie effectively poses a question to each one of us. How far would we go to explore friendship and what is the cost we are ready to pay for it? Also, what is true friendship really all about and is it an elusive concept?
Distributed by DreamWorks pictures and flagged under the banner of De Line Company, the movie offers welcome respite in these times of recession. The virtual reality is beautifully crafted and brought to life by Paul Rudd’s portrayal. He has mixed separate emotions like helplessness, amusement, affection and revelation wich is accentuated with his voice modulation and facial expressions.
I love you, man is into the second week of its release and is holding its own.
-Edited by Adam B.